Galería Avistamientos i La Habana

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CubaGalería Avistamientos



🕗 åbningstider

158, Calle E, 10400, La Habana, Diez de Octubre, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 5 2956342
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.0979357, Longitude: -82.3774422

kommentar 5

  • en

    José Busto


    Hello, I'm the staff director of the Avistamientos Gallery. I've tried I don't know how many times to change the google maps address that's currently wrong. The real address of the gallery right now is Johnson #3 between Mayía Rodríguez and La Sola, Santos Suárez, Havana. Please, if you can help me suggesting this change I would really appreciate it. Thanks for your attention.

  • Ariadna Cabrera

    Ariadna Cabrera


    La nómina de artistas con los que trabaja la galería es muy completa y seria. El trabajo de su director es meritorio en verdad. Avistamientos tiene una de los mejores sitios web de artes visuales del país. Muy profesional su trabajo. La recomiendo!

  • Fulanito García

    Fulanito García


    The best place to watch and buy Cuban Contemporary Art. They are know every good artist in the country and will inform you about everything. Also, the website is pretty cool. BEWARE the current location in the map is wrong, the actual location is Johnson 3, between Mayía Rodríguez and La Sola, Santos Suárez. I'm trying to make google change their error, let's see if I succeed.

  • en

    eradis gonzalez


    A must place to visit for art collectors. The director, José Busto, have been in the business for several decades, and is one of the greatest authorities in Cuban contemporary art.

  • Armando Rivero

    Armando Rivero


    One of the best galleries for Cuban Contemporary Art, very professional

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