Café Cantante Mi Habana i La Habana

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CubaCafé Cantante Mi Habana


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Avenida Paseo, La Habana, Plaza de la Revolución, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 7 8784275
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Latitude: 23.1256248, Longitude: -82.388497

kommentar 5

  • en

    Daghan Coskun


    Nice salsa and reggeaton club with live bands and stand-up shows. Check the weekly schedule at the entrance. On weekends it turns into some kind of gay club.

  • Ricardo Rodriguez

    Ricardo Rodriguez


    Had the greatest of times here... get there early before 10 as we waited 1 hour to get in due to the lines.... Once we entered it was such a great atmosphere. 3 Shows were lined up ... Opera singers 4 gentlemen then a lovely woman sang so beautiful and then.... later that night .. the Go GO boys put on quite the show.... all with matching outfits... I loved the music so much and simply enjoying the cuban people..... Drinks were great too!

  • Marcos Salusso

    Marcos Salusso


    Great atmosphere and great show. The place is nice but the bathrooms are super dirty and they smell like old urine. It costs NOTHING to wash the bathrooms one a day with wather and bleach. DISGUSTING!

  • en

    Annelise Lonidier


    Went on a Tuesday night with a large group at the end of a full day of activities. Great band. Seemed local and authentic - not a lot of folks there on a Tuesday so without a group it might be less fun and more intimidating if you don’t speak great Spanish. But I felt of all the places we went in evening this was the most “bare bones” yet the most authentic to local vibe.

  • Ferdinando Notarnicola

    Ferdinando Notarnicola


    It is a Good place ... On Saturday there is a big gay party with many people , cubans and turists. The enter costs 6 CUC for turists and 4 CUC for cubans. The drinks Are good and the most expensive is 2 CUC. It is one of a few places in havana where there aren't rent- boys and it is very good in a city where rent-boys are everywhere. I suggest to go after 1.30 a.m because in every clubs in havana there is a drag queen show very very very long ... I like drag queen shows but not those going on for 2 hours! I like music even if I 'd prefer much international music and not only cuban music and singers. The most played ( and Maybe The only) international singer is Rihanna. The clubs closes at 5- 5.30 and near, by foot, There is a cruising park fool of people that make sex ... A lot of action and without rent-boys.

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