Café Don Pepe i Trinidad

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CubaCafé Don Pepe



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363, Calle Boca, 62600, Trinidad, Trinidad, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53
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Latitude: 21.8060905, Longitude: -79.9846241

kommentar 5

  • Luca Lavermicocca

    Luca Lavermicocca


    Would recommended for a coffee... definitely on the quieter side of the tourist city

  • Ruben Renders

    Ruben Renders


    This place is great. The tree in the garden provides some shades making the heat more joyable. When you are here, try the ice coffees they have!

  • mehrnoush malek

    mehrnoush malek


    The best frappe coffee we've had so far! Turquino and Kahlua tasted great. Just make sure you don't stir it much if your drink has honey or sugar as it can get too sweet.

  • Nick Rink

    Nick Rink


    Quality spot for a mid morning or afternoon coffee break. Lovely vibe with open air seating and the usual friendly Cuban service. Will defo be back if we're ever in Trinidad again.

  • Wesley Fouse

    Wesley Fouse


    This place was recommended to us by several folks who live in Trinidad and for good reason. It was absolutely fantastic. It has the feel of a coffee shop in the United States, but totally and completely authentically Cuban. The drinks were delicious and very reasonably priced. We ordered the Bonbon both with and without rum and they were each equally great. There was plenty of seating around the cafe, but only a couple of tables in the shade, so be aware of that when going in. There's also some food options. We ordered the toast with honey, which was great, but I'm not sure that I would trust any of the other food. Will absolutely be coming back here if I'm back in Trinidad.

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