Cafeteria. i Vinales

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Vinales, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53
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Latitude: 22.635123, Longitude: -83.7202024

kommentar 5

  • Chris Carbon

    Chris Carbon


    Really nice place and halfway friendly people. I would just recommend not to buy anything there to go. They sold us Rum and coffeebeans which was both more or less a scam. We bought Rum in good faith beliving their story concerning airport customs regulations (this one is on us I guess, but still unnecessary on their part to tell lies). The coffeebeans sold in plastic bottles are just burnt to black coal. This is - no matter how you like to drink your coffee - not the way to do it and rather poisoness.

  • Tim Anslow

    Tim Anslow


  • alay paun

    alay paun


    Cool little cafe with awesome view, friendly staff and chilled cocktails

  • Tomasz Balikowski

    Tomasz Balikowski


    Nice view

  • Pere Saguer

    Pere Saguer


    Depèn de qui us porto a fer la ruta, parareu a un bar o un altre. Però després de veure fotos de gent que ha anat a altres cafeteries de la mateixa Vall, crec que aquesta és la que ofereix les vistes més romàntiques de capvespre. I què coi, el millor coco. :D

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