Centro Comercial 3ra y 70 i La Habana

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CubaCentro Comercial 3ra y 70



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6612, Avenida 5ta, 11300, La Habana, Playa, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 7 2042198
internet side: www.supermercado70.ca
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Latitude: 23.1120598, Longitude: -82.4369139

kommentar 5

  • Evan Nahmias

    Evan Nahmias


    This is not an USA supermarket or even bodega, but it is what they have. Go early as they are apt to run out of things or start putting things away later in the day.

  • Daghan Coskun

    Daghan Coskun


    The best supermarket in Cuba. A rich variety of products. The place is frequented by a lot of foreigners. They have a parking place. Also reachable by public transport and "taxi collectivos". Next to the main entrance there is also a small store where you can find chocolates and sweets from abroad.

  • Isaac Yglesias

    Isaac Yglesias


    One of the biggest supermarkets in Havana, probably the closest you'd come to a supermarket like youd see in North America, Europe, Asia, or even most of Central and South America. You can find things like olive oil, Portuguese ginger ale, canned food, mac n cheese even, and-the best-Nestle hazelnut chocolate cream spread! Just there are quite a bit of empty shelves there vs what youd get outside of Cuba. Lines can be kinda long and unruly also and parking is limited and they got a sorta annoying system of doling out parking spots to shoppers. But, not bad given the economic hardships in Cuba!

  • Stephen Murphy

    Stephen Murphy


    As supermarkets go in Havana this is one of the better ones and the range of products is 'usually' fairly decent. Absolutely crazy at Christmas/New Year.

  • Wilfredo In Cuba

    Wilfredo In Cuba


    Food option poor. The air conditioning is good like in industrial country's, electronic choices not fair inoff. Empty shelf's and a lot of national (cristal) beer.

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