El Capitolio i La Habana

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CubaEl Capitolio



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513, Paseo de Martí, La Habana, La Habana Vieja, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53
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Latitude: 23.1351776, Longitude: -82.3595424

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alan Randle


    Too much to see in Havana. The people we met there as well are all very nice. Great time to see and immerse yourself in the culture for a few hours while strolling the streets of Havana. Of course the Capital building is nice to get some pictures of as well.

  • 李小



    Really scenic. So similar to US capitol building.

  • Marc Lelieveld

    Marc Lelieveld


    When in Havana you shouldn’t miss this landmark even though it’s a bit of an obvious place to visit. It’s a very photogenic place. Tip: if you’re staying at hotel Saratoga as we did make sure to visit the rooftop bar and swimming pool. From here you have a stunning view upon the city below you and more importantly the Capitol. It’s a really nice view.

  • Arturo Pardavila

    Arturo Pardavila


    Beautiful structure that was once the legislative capital of Cuba. It does look a bit like the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington D.C.

  • Jeard C Escobar

    Jeard C Escobar


    Best building on the city. Well kept and a excellent architecture design. Must to see in Havana

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