Fidel Castro's Birthplace i Biran

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CubaFidel Castro's Birthplace


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Biran, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53
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Latitude: 20.5425802, Longitude: -75.9060383

kommentar 5

  • Anthony Crofton

    Anthony Crofton


    i want a glass of milk bro SAM O NELLA ACADEMY

  • Zachary Benziger

    Zachary Benziger


    Almost caused the whole world to get nuked. JFK did nothing wrong, Fidel was just baiting him into swinging first. 🎔

  • Er Sunil

    Er Sunil


    love kastro love cuba

  • Polly Hawkins

    Polly Hawkins


    Baa Fidel Castro had some interesting ideas. I mostly appreciate his ideas about freedom. For example it would be cruel to imprison living beings in small cages for long amounts of time. Luckily there are very few people who are cruel enough to do that. Unfortunately my master is not one of those people. He doesn't like to "work with nature".

  • Irene Rial Agra

    Irene Rial Agra


    A beautiful place and well worth a visit. As a gallega I'm so proud to have the same heritage as Fidel, the greatest living man! The guy who looks after the place even got a pole to knock some delicious starfruit from Fidel's tree, He told us that the old Model T Ford truck still runs!

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