Horse Ride Vinales i Vinales

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CubaHorse Ride Vinales



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Vinales, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 5 3715617
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.6154943, Longitude: -83.7115127

kommentar 5

  • yesenia sanchez

    yesenia sanchez


    Unforgettable experience. Lunch is included!!! View was beautiful, Valle del palmarito is gorgeous. Recommend 100%

  • Osmel Hernandez

    Osmel Hernandez


    an unforgettable horse ride, the valley of the bird is very beautiful, and the ride includes lunch and visits to places and plantations

  • Denis Laura

    Denis Laura


    The best experience in Viñales, a lot of quality ... a perfect tour to go for a couple.

  • Photo Viñales

    Photo Viñales


    If you want to take the best landscape photos you can not miss this horseback tour, the Palmarito Valley is one of the most beautiful landscapes I've seen in my life. From the heart of the valley I have made my best pictures! Excellent service and wonderful guides. I recommend it to everyone.

  • Tour Viñales

    Tour Viñales


    Excellent guides, wonderful service ... the horses very well cared for and trained, the beautiful scenery and the exquisite food.

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