Hostal Cuba #215 i Santa Clara

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CubaHostal Cuba #215


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Cuba, Santa Clara, Santa Clara, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 42 271118
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Latitude: 22.4024587, Longitude: -79.9640536

kommentar 5

  • Dmitry Stolbun

    Dmitry Stolbun


    A wonderful place to stay in Santa Clara! All that you want, as it was said in a song) Замечательное место в центре города с приятными и отзывчивым хозяевами, просторные комнаты со всеми возможными удобствами (что редко можно встретить на Кубе), бильярд и гриль на террасе, и при этом доступные цены! Спасибо за теплый прием, Cuba 215!

  • Dairo Romero

    Dairo Romero


    My wife and I had the opportunity to stay with Ricardo and Lisette at their house. They helped us a lot with advice where to go in Santa Clara and other places in Cuba. The breakfast every day was great a lot of fruits, good coffee. They made us feel very welcome. We had conversations about Cuba's situation and how Cubans are very creative and resourceful. It was a great and unforgettable experience to stay in Casas Particulares. If you visit Santa Clara consider stay with at Hostal Cuba 215. The house is a few blocks away for the Plaza Central and good walk to the Che's mausoleum.

  • Kamila Pruszek

    Kamila Pruszek


    Super welcoming highly recommended!

  • Anita Pan

    Anita Pan


    I would say the host Ricardo and his family, are the most trustful and wonderful people during our 3 weeks journey in Cuba. They always helped us out when we met any problems - or when we wondered more Cuban stories! :p The room is very cozy and affordable. (Try not to bargain, I think the service deserves the price!) The guesthouse next door is owned by a disable man, who had a very bad attitude, that's why we decided to find another guesthouse. Afterwards, we stayed in Hostal Cuba 215. The breakfast we pre-ordered was out of our expectation! It's good! (¡Es muy rico!) It's a plus if you may communicate in simple Spanish! If you are interested in Cuban history, Ricardo is a great story teller :) *Ricardo's son can speak English, he's also willing to help!

  • Terry Hill

    Terry Hill


    Best hostal we stayed at in all of Cuba.

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