Hostal Refugio de Reyes i Holguín

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CubaHostal Refugio de Reyes


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Peralejo, Holguín, Holguin, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 24 425175
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Latitude: 20.8835143, Longitude: -76.253023

kommentar 5

  • Brandon Adler

    Brandon Adler


    10/10 world class experience staying here. Sara was unbelievable. The rooms were clean, the place and atmosphere is stunning. Oh, stay for breakfast, Sara knows how to cook!! Fruit, cheese, meats like you've never tasted. Would recommend and visit again in Holguin!

  • Heiko Rath

    Heiko Rath


    A little paradise in the middle of the town. Absolutely comfortable rooms, very clean and air-conditioned. Easy access to a enjoyable garden with an overwhelming amount of lovely decorated plants and a nice pool in the center. Although the garden is small there are many little niches where you can sit and relax. But on the top of the list I put the hosts of this hostel: everything Sara and David do they perform it with love for details and they must be able to read thoughts and wishes. We started and ended our trip through Cuba in this hostel and I strongly recommend it to everyone.

  • Benoit Rancourt

    Benoit Rancourt


    One of the best 5 casas visited in my 2 bicycle trips in Cuba! The owners will make your visit the most enjoyable as possible. Rooms are very confortable and breakfast in the courtyard is memorable.

  • OBER



    Beautiful, special place with amazing service and fantastic ambiance! Very sympathic owners, excellent ratio price-service, good rooms Beautiful setting, fantastic service - Brekfast with great food selections, great atmosphere - this place has it all. The rooms perfectly clean, quiet and cosy.

  • Jaime O. Jaramillo V

    Jaime O. Jaramillo V


    Really wonderful¡¡¡¡¡¡ A beautiful house and very good attention directly from the David and Sarita owners who do not treat you as a tourist, more like family, breakfast and different foods make you feel the real taste of food Cuban, and if you take them sitting in the garden of the house sitting among the more exotic plants ... who can say? ... speechless. Only good things I have in my memories of this garden house, so just tell them not to think more is the best place to stay in Holguin at an acceptable price.

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