Hotel Cadillac i Las Tunas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CubaHotel Cadillac


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Colón, Las Tunas, Las Tunas, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53
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Latitude: 20.9564928, Longitude: -76.9538864

kommentar 5

  • Gutters By rgs

    Gutters By rgs


    Is to loud at nite time .people on the park stay up to like can tell that people dont have to work the next day .

  • Jesus Alvarez

    Jesus Alvarez


    Pretty good, and cheap price

  • henk van gennip

    henk van gennip


    Goed hotel gelegen in het centrum van Las Tunes, met dakterras en bar. Op loopafstand van discotheek en vele buitenbarretjes. Écht een leuke tijd gehad, top!!!

  • Curt Raffi

    Curt Raffi


    Nice little retro hotel in the center of Las Tunas. It's kind of a time warp from the 1950s that also had a restoration within the past 10 years. There is a patio/terrace for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Food and accommodations get a B+. If you are expecting a traditional US or European hotel services you may need to reset your expectations. Please also note that this is a poor island and in front of the hotel you will see prostitutes and people looking for handouts to survive.

  • aDi



    big rooms and almost everything you need provided in the center of city with good access to everywhere nice neighborhood

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