IBEROSTAR Casa Granda i Santiago de Cuba

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CubaIBEROSTAR Casa Granda


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Calle Heredia No. 201, Esq. San Pedro, 90100, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 22 653021
internet side: www.iberostarcasagranda.com
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Latitude: 20.0211554, Longitude: -75.8291249

kommentar 5

  • Carol Strachan

    Carol Strachan


    Absolutely amazing views of Santiago de Cuba and the best mojitos on the island! Zoraida is the best server ever!!!

  • Chun-wei YANG

    Chun-wei YANG


    They have nice roof top bar. You need to pay 3 CUC at the reception for going up(one drink included). They also sell wifi card, you can log in at the lobby(strong frequency, vibercall no problem).

  • Bert Crielaard

    Bert Crielaard


    The locatian is super. Lot of traffic and agressive beggers in front of the entrance. The smell of the exhaust gases is present in the lobby. Very good breakfast. Room is large with a fine airco.

  • Edward van Kleef

    Edward van Kleef


    A bit of a safe haven for western tourists. Friendly personnel, but owned/run by the state so lower your expectations. Hilarious slapstick to watch the cook at breakfast performing egg-tricks while having a moody tourist in front just dying to have his omelet.

  • Carole Brown

    Carole Brown


    Very modern hotel in the heart of downtown Santiago de Cuba. Full service hotel with large rooms, gorgeous patio bar on the main floor with a beautiful rooftop bar and terrace. Restaurant on site with elevator. However, rooms 109 and 110 are quite weird due to having no windows. But very large and the AC units work very well. The hotel has issues with leaks in the rooms with slow drainage in the showers but the staff are responsive and will work with you if you have needs. Most staff can speak some English so US travelers should enjoy the stay.

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