José Martí International Airport i La Habana

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CubaJosé Martí International Airport


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Avenida Rancho Boyeros, La Habana, Boyeros, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 7 2664644
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Latitude: 22.9915431, Longitude: -82.410078

kommentar 5

  • Kiba Liu World

    Kiba Liu World


    Not bad experince here as expected as the cuban lady at the info counter was really friendly and helped me out find a hotel and even call taxi for me. I had a preassumption that my transit will be problem as I heard a lot of things from people who already been to this airport but for me, the experience was good. The staffs at the airport are good and helpful too. However, this airport was unliike any other places ive been. Lots of lady workers wear very short skirts😁 but its kinda cool which ive never seen before. Overall, great experience.

  • Leroy Arias

    Leroy Arias


    There is a lot of room for improvement at this airport. First of all, depending on what terminal you enter in, prepare for long lines if traveling during a busy time. The longest wait will by far be the bag pick up, in which you sit around a spinning platform and witness as bags are thrown haphazardly onto the platform. When entering, if you let the workers there take your bags or help you, they will expect compensation. The airport staff often seem in a bad mood, which does hurt the atmosphere of the airport. However, there are nice workers if you look around, and any tips are greatly appreciated. Be patient with and kind to the airport staff, as they are tired and bored as well and you don’t want to get on their bad side. IMPORTANT: Make sure all of your belongings are in the suitcases before leaving the airport. They will often open your cases when they “suspect” something and may confiscate something of yours. When exchanging money, make sure that it is accurate and you are not being ripped off. In my experience, besides the wait, this airport has not been too bad.

  • david coulter

    david coulter


    Warning - Attempted Robbery by Uniformed Passenger Screening Personnel. Departing from this rather down at the heels airport, my carry-on bag was opened after the x-ray by passenger screening personnel (TSA equivalents). There was a small pair of scissors in the bag which they rightly confiscated. The uniformed woman who checked the bag said nothing about the 2 boxes of cigars inside. Shortly afterward, I was confronted in the men's room by a young man, also uniformed. who had not been present when my bag was opened. He informed me that it was illegal to take cigars on the aircraft and that he would have to confiscate them. I told him I would return and left the room. He made no further attempt to contact me, and I boarded my flight uneventfully. To claim that it is illegal to board aircraft with cigars in a carry-on is clearly a baldfaced lie, an attempt to rob me of the cigars. Because at least 2 airport personnel were involved in this fraud, I suspect others were also complicit. Therefore, I chose not to report it for fear that I would be dealing with yet another member of the scam. Beware of uniformed passenger screening personnel at this airport.

  • Orestes Garcia

    Orestes Garcia


    The worst airport in the world Employees bribe you or send you to confiscate for any reason. The only airport in the world that pays Customs taxes when you arrive, not when you leave. The treatment and appearance of the employee is very bad. It is an airport of thieves employees can reach your destination and miss half of your belongings. Lack dignity and respect I do not recommend it, avoid visiting it

  • Jen H.

    Jen H.


    Locals that have money will come here to buy coffee, snacks, alcohol, imported goods. Only other place we could find bottled water to buy. Bathrooms are very rough to visit so be prepared - have lots of toilet paper and flexibility. Money exchange can be sketchy so make sure you get a receipt and count your change; they will short you with coins if you don’t pay attention.

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