Juan Gualberto Gómez Airport i Matanzas

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CubaJuan Gualberto Gómez Airport


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Juan Gualberto Gómez Airport (VRA), Matanzas, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 46 247015
internet side: www.varadero-airport.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.0343108, Longitude: -81.4376874

kommentar 5

  • Quality Gamer

    Quality Gamer


    This airport is very bad the people who take your baggage into the airplane open it and will steal anything valuable. So PLEASE REMEMBER TO PUT A LOCK ON YOUR BAGGAGE PLEASE THEY STOLE ALL OF OUR PERFUMES AND ELECTRONICS.

  • Frazer c

    Frazer c


    Terrible airport. Extortionate prices, disgusting toilet, rude staff and 40 minute wait before we could even check in

  • Yousaf Ihsan

    Yousaf Ihsan


    Small quite airport not busy. Close to resort. Still gives feel of old days. Lacks modern infrastructure. People are nice. Easy access from north America. Quite in night.

  • Taylor Meilleur

    Taylor Meilleur


    the staff in the airport were not friendly at all and were just so extremely rude, the wait time was ridiculous and then they take an hour to give you your boarding passes. loved the resort and the people there were great but the airport experience was terrible.

  • Stephen Farrand

    Stephen Farrand


    Baggage handlers STOLE a bottle of rum out of my checked bag on February 20th 8:40pm flight to Toronto. Had a great Cuban experience to come home and discover this... Very disappointed in the principle that Cuba is so safe and yet there are scum bags working at this airport who either do this or let it happen. Not impressed and puts a damper on the rest of the experience.

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