La fiesta del carbon i Varadero

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CubaLa fiesta del carbon



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Calle 2-a Santa Marta-, Varadero, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 45 610233
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Latitude: 23.1271023, Longitude: -81.2864008

kommentar 5

  • frank Valenzuela

    frank Valenzuela


    The best of the best restaurants in tonw,i love the food from that restaurant, I will always recommend it.

  • Bert Carapiet

    Bert Carapiet


    Excellent Cuban food! If you want to experience real food off resort, this is the place. Talk too a driver or front staff and they'll hook up a drive for you.

  • dolcey campbell

    dolcey campbell


    Great food, awesome band, Would highly recommend, bon appetit! Does anyone happen to know the name of the band(violinist) lol

  • JM S

    JM S


    Our Cab driver cajoled us into going. You wouldn't find it unless you patrol the back alleys for a good time. Wasn't bad but you will spend round $30CUC+ a plate. The cab drivers get a free meal as a thank you from the proprietor in return.

  • Tasha Adolph

    Tasha Adolph


    We were recommended to go here by others! It was out of the way down a back alley but once you get there it was beautiful! If you get a cab there... the cab driver eats free and you don't have to pay for cab which was awesome! Food was so delicious! Awesome seafood! Set up was really interesting and cool! I really enjoyed this private little restaurant! Will return for old times sake when i come back to Cuba! I just love Cuba with all my heart!

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