Latin American School of Medicine i La Habana

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CubaLatin American School of Medicine


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CD, 19148, La Habana, Bauta, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 7 2014130
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Latitude: 23.0567027, Longitude: -82.5395513

kommentar 5

  • theresa edwards

    theresa edwards


    Caribbean Students are thankful for the opportunity to Study in Cuba ..

  • Rusty Shackleford

    Rusty Shackleford


    I was here in 1999. A Year after the first wave of students came due to Fidel starting it due to Hurricane Mitch's devastation of C. America. The only Americans studying there at the time were the Amish. I fondly remember their conservative clothing amongst the diverse cultures that started there. Great school. Students at that time could stay afterwards and specialize for free in any one of the many schools throughout the country. Solidarity is the main ingredient here. You can find many youtube vids on americans who have studied there. Break the fishbowl you live in and apply through your local consulate or through Pastors for Peace through USA.

  • Channel Tube

    Channel Tube


    When I see these words about ELAM I found so excited that we like poor students could also stud medicine free . Then I thought to study in ELAM but sadly till now no one can inform me about ."Do Nepali students can apply at ELAM medical education or NOT ? If yes, What can we do to apply please inform could anyone help me.

  • Nechelle Joseph

    Nechelle Joseph


    I am currently a student at Elam. 2016 -... This is home, there are like majority African students studying here but students from over 122 countries worldwide. The rich cultural diversity makes it all the more interesting to study at such a prestigious school. Allowing you to share your culture and learn of other cultures all around the world. I am so so very humbled and privileged to be a part of this opportunity. Definitely high quality education, the profes really devote themselves to ensuring the success of their students.Thanks so much. Viva Fidel! And not forgetting this island is just breathtakingly beautiful! I love love love it

  • Jessie Standish

    Jessie Standish


    A wonderful place. So much friendship. Such good energy. I miss you ELAM!

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