Los Caneyes Hotel i Santa Clara

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CubaLos Caneyes Hotel


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Santa Clara, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 42 218140
internet side: www.hotelloscaneyes.com
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Latitude: 22.4018679, Longitude: -79.9999614

kommentar 5

  • Helmut Traster

    Helmut Traster


    Buffet was great ! Typical local food and international all cooked very well and homelike, good faicilities, very nice and good wines

  • adelfa ramos

    adelfa ramos


    We spent one night there, one month ago , on our trip to Santa Clara. There are cabins, and the environment is quite nice, full of vegetation, quiet and simple. Our room was clean and with everything you should need. But, the very best was the restaurant. Good food and excellent personal attending. Really top. A bit far away from town, but it's also an experience to hire a taxi and talk a bit with the driver, totally reliable, and enjoy cuban life style. And best of all you're on holidays, so... Have fun!

  • Cindy Rosario

    Cindy Rosario


    I stay recently at this hotel very nice location. The service is great. The food is delicious and service is amazing. Highly recommend .

  • Timbovilla 7

    Timbovilla 7


    We visited the Che Mausoleum and were taken here for lunch by our guide. A very pleasant restaurant with an excellent buffet.

  • Bert Crielaard

    Bert Crielaard


    Cosy Parc. Several animals, including crocodiles. Nice room, toilet was clogged. Breakfast was inadequate. Lunch good, but very expensive. In the evening was a fashion show organised, a commercial matter, meant to get your money. We liked the show, but not the commerce.

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