Moka i La Habana

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Pinar Del Rio, La Habana, Arroyo Naranjo, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 48 578600
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Latitude: 22.8430982, Longitude: -82.9439204

kommentar 5

  • Ronny Seiler

    Ronny Seiler


    very expensive, pool not clean, pay for wifi extra, air condition not working well, breakfast coffee very low. Service ok, trying to help, english language ok. All in All: interessting building (trees inside the hotel) but compared to a other casas on cuba not worth the price.

  • Fausto Quiroz

    Fausto Quiroz


    Great hotel for the area, wifi has to be purchased and only works near the lobby. Wifi is $1 per hour and can be used at any public wifi spot on the island (2019). Staff is friendly. Accommodations are not the best but very good as tourism is just opening up in the area. I'd return in the future. (American tourist)

  • Regina Berger

    Regina Berger


    Unfortunately we didn't feel comfortable at the Hotel Moka. It should get a heavy needed make-over. Unfortunately it wasn't very clean either. The quite high price is not worth it.

  • Antje T.

    Antje T.


    Nice hotel with very beautiful view around las terrazas, staff have been very friendly, very good breakfast for cuban circumstances, rooms are nice, but the interior is little bit old

  • Isaac Yglesias

    Isaac Yglesias


    Pros +Pretty comfy beds in nice rooms. +Nice, open architectural layout of the complex. +Beautiful surroundings in the Las Terrazas rainforest. +Close to the village where you can go ziplining, hiking, or even have a little adventure in the discotheque at night! +Beautiful pool (one of the nicest I'd come across after roughly half a year of travel across Cuba)! +Decent restaurant with bottled water that's safe to drink available. Main dishes for dinner and the breakfast buffet weren't bad themselves, but it's probably a little pricy for that stuff compared to what you'd pay elsewhere. Cons -You gotta pay for their Wi-Fi. Really annoying! Just like anywhere else in Cuba, you need to buy scratchoff cards to use the Web in drabs of an hour or two here and there. Internet sometimes a little choppy at first when you sign on. It's like, what, a lottery to check your email or Facebook & Instagram? But, you don't go to this ecotourism region for its Internet. -Annoying folding door to go into the bathroom from your room. Almost broke the thing trying to go in there when I needed to. -Annoying phone-in the bathroom-?? Knocked it over when sitting down on toilet. Consider moving room phones into the bedrooms instead of leaving them in bathrooms. -Not easy to find at night if you get lost in the village. If you get stuck in the muddy fields between the hotel and the disco at 1 AM, you need to ask local people how to get you back to the hotel. Consider downloading the app to track your location offline, bc. Google Maps ain't gonna work in Las Terrazas!

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