Parroquia Nuestra Señora de la Caridad i Nuevitas

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CubaParroquia Nuestra Señora de la Caridad


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Augusto Arango #48 e/ Céspedes y Máximo Gómez. CP72510, Nuevitas, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 32 412167
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Latitude: 21.5427509, Longitude: -77.2642587

kommentar 3

  • Jesus Mejias

    Jesus Mejias


  • Luc Van Den Brande

    Luc Van Den Brande


    Neuvitas is a nice place to visit.. part of it on the sea side should be protected by the World Herritage to safe the Historical houses.

  • tomas marin

    tomas marin


    I love this parish very much, I grew up practically and grew as a Christian and human being, I also received the sacred sacraments of baptism, eucharist, confession and confirmation, I was catechized and catechized, a church with a lot of history and great priests and even Bishop with Monsignor Mestril, well known for his parish choir and also had a children's choir before, abundant in youth and adolescents, with committed worshipers, if you come to the beach of Santa Lucia in Camaguey, visit the church by car you can arrive in 1h or less. It will be the closest Catholic church that you will have if you are a practicing Catholic and want to attend Sunday Mass. In addition, the church is strategically located in the center of the historic center of the city next to the main park and other important buildings in the city, with a beautiful view of the bay receiving that magical breeze that enchants sea lovers.mucho cariño le tengo a esta parroquia ,en ella me crie practicamente y creci como cristiano y ser humano ,tambien recivi los sagrados sacramentos del bautismo,eucaristia,confesion y confirmacion,fui catequisado y catequista,una iglesia con mucha historia y grandes sacerdotes e incluso obispo con monseñor mestril,muy conocida por su coro parroquial y tambien tenia antes coro infantil ,abundante en jovenes y adolescentes,con fieles comprometidos ,si viene a la playa santa lucia en camaguey ,visite la iglesia en carro puede llegar en 1h o menos tiempo sera la iglesia catolica mas cerca que tendra si es catolico practicante y desea asistir a misa dominical ,ademas la iglesia esta hubicada estrategicamente en el centro del casco historico de la ciudad al lado del parque principal y otros edificios importantes en la ciudad,con una hermosa vista a la bahia reciviendo esa brisa magica que encanta a los amantes del mar.

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