Santa Isabel Sugar Mill ruins i Minas

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CubaSanta Isabel Sugar Mill ruins


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Minas, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53
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Latitude: 21.4221756, Longitude: -77.4423621

kommentar 5

  • Francisco brives

    Francisco brives


    Un desatre de atencion al publico.

  • Kurt Commissiong

    Kurt Commissiong


    Very historical Place learn lots about Cuba and how they made the sugarcane into sugar it experience

  • Odalmys De La Pera

    Odalmys De La Pera


    Es una lastima que el lugar se encuentre algo desatendido. No hay mobiliario, no hay música, es un lugar de paso, y a las limitaciones citadas se suma el acoso de vendedores ambulantes, que te hacen desear irte más rápido aún del lugar.

  • Jorge Luis Diaz Rodriguez

    Jorge Luis Diaz Rodriguez



  • Walt Bankes

    Walt Bankes


    This site of a former sugar mill was declared a National Historical Site in 2013. It is on the road from Camaguey to Rancho King about 10 miles before you get to the ranch. It has a snack bar that we didn't eat at because we were scheduled to eat at Rancho King. It also has toilets. The history of the site is outlined on a sign and you may find more info (in Spanish) by going to the website listed and searching for for more. Search for: Ruinas del antiguo Ingenio Santa Isabel del Castillo., Cuba Beside being very interesting, the ruins are very photogenic.

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