Sinagoga Beth Shalom i La Habana

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CubaSinagoga Beth Shalom



🕗 åbningstider

259, Calle I, 10400, La Habana, Plaza de la Revolución, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 7 328953
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.1416537, Longitude: -82.3894597

kommentar 5

  • Wanda Anglin

    Wanda Anglin


    My Jewish friend and I (not Jewish) had a wonderful experience at Beth Shalom. We pre-arranged a tour and meeting with the Cuban Jewish Community's president. The temple restored in the 1990s after decades of neglect was simple. But it was the people who greeted us and the stories of what this community is doing that was amazing. This synagogue is the center of Jewish life in Cuba. The president was an engaging very senior lady with twinkling eyes and a gift for communicating reality and hope for her community. She was open, personable, and very charming. As a non-Jew, I was very impressed with the spirit of this place and the people I met as well as the transparency with which we were allowed to learn about the history and modern-day Judaism in Cuba.

  • Stephen Chase

    Stephen Chase


    Best synagogue ever!!

  • es

    Linda Alfie


  • edward caplan

    edward caplan


  • Barbara Becker

    Barbara Becker


    We were able to walk there and the directions were good!

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