Villa Gerona i Nueva Gerona

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CubaVilla Gerona



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Calle 35, 21500, Nueva Gerona, Isla de Pinos, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 46 312962
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Latitude: 21.8867679, Longitude: -82.8026953

kommentar 5

  • dayami Corcho

    dayami Corcho



  • Cecilia Pedanesi

    Cecilia Pedanesi


    Nos alojamos 5 días en esta casa, habitación super cómoda y espaciosa, con un bonito baño y todas las comodidades. Las chicas de la casa están disponibles y te ayudan para cualquier cosa. En el exterior hay un amplio espacio para comer al aire libre. La ubicación perfecta, cerca de todo. Estancia encantadora Gracias por la hospitalidad.

  • Camille Trullenque

    Camille Trullenque


    I loved staying at Villa Gerona Casa! Its a must to rent if you ever go. I rented the whole house for my family. You can rent rooms individually too. Inexpensive and affordable!! The rooms were very comfortable. Dayami, the young lady who runs the place, was very welcoming and friendly. She was very accommodating and great customer service. They had running hot water which not to common on the island...thank god lol. Small TV and refrigerator with alcohol and water bottles in all rooms. It is in a quiet neighborhood. Just a 5 min walking distance from 39th blvd were shops and restaurants are located. 10 minutes from the beach. It is a perfect place for anyone who wants a great adventure :)

  • Freddys Hernandez

    Freddys Hernandez


    When I visited Nueva Gerona last April, I enjoyed staying at Villa Gerona Hostal. The room was very comfortable. Dayami, the young lady, was very welcoming and friendly. She was very accommodating, hot water, television, and a small refrigerator with water and beverages. The coffee in the next morning was wonderful. It is in a quiet neighborhood just five minutes walking to 39th street. It is a perfect place for families and guests who enjoy a quiet setting. Freddys Hernandez - from New Jersey

  • Yuting Chang

    Yuting Chang


    The young lady of casa is very helpful even though she doesn't speak any English. Good breakfast with 3 CUC per person. Have a billard table.AC fonctions well. No window in the room. The wall is so slim that you hear Everything happening in the casa from room (talking/cooking/cleaning). AC cold air falls on the head and I was sleeping with t-shirt covering my washed hair to avoid getting sick. First night the hot water seems to run out so I showered in cold water the second night I have a complete hot shower with correct water flow.

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