Clínica del Sol i Varadero

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CubaClínica del Sol



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60, Varadero, Varadero, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 45 667226
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.1539586, Longitude: -81.249345

kommentar 5

  • katia iorio

    katia iorio


    Se non fosse stato per loro la mia bimba starebbe ancora piangendo, prontissimi ad affrontare un braccio lussato, subito entrati e fatto due ecografie, lo specialista ortopedico bravissimo. Grazie

  • Karina Carrizo

    Karina Carrizo


    Desastre total , fuimos en el mes de diciembre del 2018 , junto a mi madre , salimos desde Argentina con seguros de asistencia al viajero por un monto alto de cobertura para mi madre , considerando que es una mujer mayor , tiene ningun antecedente , alrededor del dia décimo de nuestra estadia , mi madre contrae una infeccion respiratoria , neumonia , y acudi a esta clinica , puesto que ya la habia visto la medica del hotel , la habia medicado ,y no respondia a la terapeutica , cabe destacar que soy medica internista aqui en Argentina, y pedí el traslado a esta institución, desde el primer momento y a pesar de tener asistencia médica , me cobraron la consulta , no conseguí ampollas de furosemida , que es un diuretico , que habia necesidsd de colocarselo ya que se le habia complicado con el corazon , y el segundo esquems antibiótico que le colocaron no hizo efecto, hable con los doctores proponiendole que colocaramos un antibitico como levofloxacina , pero lamentablemente no lo tenian , en definitiva , mi madre empeoró , tuve que adelantar el vuelo y traerla aqui a Argentina , llegamos por milagro de Dios con mi madre con vida , y aquí resolvimos el problema , en el área de salud , de nuestra provincia !!

  • dorian krasniqi

    dorian krasniqi


    Everybody keeps moaning on how expensive the tablets are over there have you people forgotten, Cuba doesn't import or export, so of course everything will be expensive for tourists, just get a travel insurance and stop moaning. They treated me very fairly and well, they are very friendly and nice people, respect for cuba , I had travel insurance, they are expensive over there, but they are friendly. And very clean. This was 15 years ago I don't know now.

  • Allan Graham

    Allan Graham


    28 Jan 1st saw doctor at motel next door to ours, $25 consultation fee, cash only, she issued prescription, went to this clinic, turns out medicine in a box, blister package about 8 yellow, medium sized pills, $65 cash dollars, medicine worked but only 4 days worth, than sickness came back when back in Canada, no receipt issued from pharmacy, doctor did issue receipt. do not know name of medicine, doctor receipt for consultation says, " infeccion respirtoria agudo".

  • Charmaine S. Castro

    Charmaine S. Castro


    Took the beach bus tour to get here in excruciating stomach pain, they have a small pharmacy so i told the lady I might have gotten food poisoning and she gave me the pills($18CAD). I walk outside to their water dispenser and i took the pills as she said. She came outside, took the bag and said “wrong pills!! This bag was supposed to be for the other lady” yet she gave me that bag! And i had to pay $14CAD for the wrong pills she gave me initially that was already in my stomach!!! I was so nervous, I had no clear explanation of what i just ate, in a different country! The pharmacy lady was very rude to me. I did not want to argue so I just paid both pills. I was already in pain and had such a bad experience at this clinic!!!!! Paid around $30 CAD for diarrhea pills. My fault to blame for not bringing my own emergency pills.

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