Colon Cemetery i Havana

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CubaColon Cemetery


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Havana, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53
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Latitude: 23.1231116, Longitude: -82.3989555

kommentar 5

  • Janis H.P.

    Janis H.P.


    We were lucky enough to have been on Royal Caribbean's Majesty of The Seas maiden voyage to Havana, Cuba (May 2018) While in Cuba we took the tour called 'Old Havana City Sightseeing'. The tour was awesome...our tour guide Nilda was informative and pleasant. We saw and did so much...what a great adventure. One of the places we toured was Christopher Columbus Cemetery (Colon Cemetery) Our guide at the cemetery, Luis J. Martin, was very knowledgeable. The cemetery is 138 acres (some info give it at 140 acres) It is beautiful, clean and harbors many fascinating 'stories'.

  • Steven dosRemedios

    Steven dosRemedios


    This is a lovely cemetery in Havana. One of the highlights is the monument to Amelia a local saint who grants wishes to devotees, whom, in turn, leave marble plaques as gratitude for having their prayers answered. There are other magnificent monuments - from another era that speaks to the grandeur of times past.

  • Jorge Ramos

    Jorge Ramos


    Aquí se conjugan muy bien la paz y la belleza, impresionante ver tanto mármol tan blanco. Solo sentí raro que me cobrarán la entrada.

  • Aubrey Martin

    Aubrey Martin


    Christoper Columbus Cemetery in Havana, the most remarkable cemetery I have ever seen in terms of the quality and quantity of materials used for creating a special and unique burial place! Just amazing!

  • Keith Bauman

    Keith Bauman


    Pretty cool place. Important to have a guide

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