Free Walking Tour Havana i Havana

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CubaFree Walking Tour Havana



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Havana, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 5 8186958
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Latitude: 23.1371527, Longitude: -82.3600607

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vilborg Eiríksdóttir


    Mirella made my tour to Cuba wonderful! Walking tour in Habana was very interesting and the days in Habana were very good :) Visiting Vinales and Trinidad was “wow” great. Thank you Mirella and driver :)

  • Oliver Bruni

    Oliver Bruni


    cool tour. you can choose between going through the old town or to the colonial fortresses across the bay. The tickets for a short bus ride and the ferry are included in the tour. It is perfect to get some orientation in town and get an overview of things to do. The guides speak spanish and pretty good english.

  • Elisabeth Ro

    Elisabeth Ro


    Great Tour through old Habana. Fabian told us a lot about the city, the people and life in cuba. He gave us many useful hints!

  • en

    Gijs Kuijpers


    Amazing walking tour with good and local information about the city. The best way to discover the old town

  • Leanne Velednitsky

    Leanne Velednitsky


    Amazing tour!!! TAKE A TOUR! Saw the most of the Old City, and it's history. Our guide, Johan, was the bomb. Very friendly, knowledgeable, and great food recs!!! The tour was even longer than advertised with his thorough explanations and patience. Truly emblematic of the kindness across Havana. :)

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