Gran Caribe Club Puntarena All Inclusive i Varadero

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CubaGran Caribe Club Puntarena All Inclusive



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Varadero, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 45 667125
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Latitude: 23.1313501, Longitude: -81.3093477

kommentar 5

  • Mike Jones

    Mike Jones


    Excellent hotel stayed April 2019 very nice for the price good food really nice pool. Excellent beach!!! A must stay place

  • Daria Morgendorffer

    Daria Morgendorffer


    We had a few issues with our room: - bathroom door didn't shut - mini fridge didn't work - patio door had no handle - lamps had no lampshade Not the end of the world, but all the other little things made this place awful. Only 1 out of 3 elevators worked so the wait for an elevator was long. Also it smelled weird in there. All the staff here work in slow motion, so you better be patient. On the other side of the building, the check-in staff are not friendly or helpful at all. Seems like you are always bothering them. There seems to be a lot of Russians that stay here and they can be really uncivil. They cut through lines and think nothing of it. I would honestly avoid this place if possible. On the plus side the beach was nice!

  • Ram Selvarajah

    Ram Selvarajah


    Rooms were clean, Buffet restaurant service needs to improve. When you are looking for a table and there are no clean tables and staff are chatting, it's annoying. Would love to see more local food well made. Was surprised to see hardly any sea food given Cuba is an Island. A/C in our room did not work, despite telling two days in a row. Asked for extra pillows and was told none was available. The people at the bars are great, how ever over worked.

  • Tracy Macdonald

    Tracy Macdonald


    Been to Cuba and this resort had the worse food cold all the time lunch rooms were freezing and no lighting in food court. Lamps in room were very dirty. No more Cuba for me especially this resort. Just came back last Saturday ( march 9, 2019).

  • Marc Jess

    Marc Jess


    This really wasn't a great place at all. The girls at the front desk are not friendly at all and it takes effort getting their attention, even when you're standing in front of them. The bartenders and food service staff were great though. They were friendly and the reason why I'm giving 3 stars instead of 2. This place is not well kept, it's dirty. The elevator worked half the time I was here and when it did work, it felt like a death trap lol. The fridge in my room was broken and had mold in it. There was no hot water for showers. Had to always go downstairs to get drinking water for my room. All the doors on my floor (6th) would always slam shut and you would hear this all throughout the night. Eating here was hit or miss. For every 10 items, 1 would be really good. It really didn't bug me to much because I brought hot sauce with me. The Russian tourists were very rowdy drunk and loud: plus they would fight each other late at night. If you just want to get stupid drunk and be a slob for a week, than this place is for you. If you want to chill and relax, find somewhere else. I will not be going back here.

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