Hospital Provincial Clinico Quirurgico Abel Santamaria i Pinar del Río

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CubaHospital Provincial Clinico Quirurgico Abel Santamaria



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Pinar del Río, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 48 762068
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Latitude: 22.4401859, Longitude: -83.6711562

kommentar 5

  • Nuirka Bouzon

    Nuirka Bouzon


    Además de estar descuidado, sucio y sin pintar, la atención es muy mala, sobre todo las enfermeras de la sala de cuidados progresivos, siempre con mala cara y mucho mal trato a pacientes y familiares. A mi tía le decían que no había cama en terapia y cuando yo llegué de visita, alguien me dijo que una cama en terapia en ese hospital costaba 500 dólares, ya es lo que me faltaba escuchar de la salud en Cuba.

  • # UnDiaParaCuba

    # UnDiaParaCuba


    #SOS El preso de conciencia cubano, el biólogo Ariel Ruiz Urquiola comenzó el pasado domingo #17Junio una huelga de hambre y sed! No lo dejemos morir! El régimen autoritario Castrista no dudaría en dejarlo morir! Apoyemos a este valiente luchador injustamente preso! #FreeAriel

  • Bruguera Estudio

    Bruguera Estudio



  • Dan Cla

    Dan Cla


    The employees on this hospital are criminals working for the dictator government in Cuba. They’re slowly but surely killing an innocent and worldwide famous scientist and biologist called Ariel Ruiz Urquiola. I won’t recomend this hospital to no one. The world must know the animals working in this place. The people demand FREEDOM for ARIEL RUIZ URQUIOLA. #FREEARIEL #COMMUNISMISHUNGERDEATHMISERY #COMMUNISTARE2STCENTURYNAZIS

  • nely -

    nely -


    #FreeAriel #Cuban biologist and doctor of science Ariel Ruiz Urquiola, considered a prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International, is on the 8th day of a hunger and thirst strike to demand his freedom. He is being held in this hospital and his health has been deteriorating. Ariel Ruiz Urquiola was sentenced last month to one year in jail for “contempt” in the Municipal Court of Viñales (Pinar del Río) after a trial that the family considered manipulated by State Security. Urquiola was arrested on the farm he leases in usufruct from the government in that locality after calling officials of the area the “rural guard,” a term that earned him an arrest and accusation of expressing contempt.

nærmeste Hospital

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