Hotel Gran Club Santa Lucia i Playa Santa Lucia

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CubaHotel Gran Club Santa Lucia


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Playa Santa Lucia, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 32 336109
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Latitude: 21.5659127, Longitude: -77.0450839

kommentar 5

  • Christina Ferreira

    Christina Ferreira


    My kids and I had a great time. Even though it's not the best beach and the resort is a bit outdated, it was an incredible vacation. The employees at the hotel are amazing, there's always fun activities for adults and children and the food is good. Coco beach is a must and I definitely recommend one of the cruises. We went on the sunset cruise and it was beautiful. I will most likely return.

  • Moni Mahoney

    Moni Mahoney


    Top Hotel and Service. Beautiful beach...Paradise!

  • Two Fairies

    Two Fairies


    We has a business go to this hotel every March and we look forward to our winter break. The staff is sooo accommodating, the food is amazing with lots of great choices. We will be there again in March! Gracias!

  • jason green

    jason green


    For anyone thinking to travel to this Resort you will not be let down everyone worked extremely hard on keeping us entertained and the kids club is by far the best I've found in Cuba. We've been to this Resort three times and we'll definitely be going back would highly recommend

  • Robert Braun

    Robert Braun


    Good food and good service .Reynaldo makes and excellent job with customers .we will return in February .

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