Hotel Porto Santo i Baracoa

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CubaHotel Porto Santo


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Baracoa, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 21 645163
internet side:
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Latitude: 20.3575629, Longitude: -74.5056782

kommentar 5




    The hotel consists of different and independent blocks. Breakfast is good and in quantity. It's not very easy to carry the suitcase to the bedroom : alleys, stairs. Bar and swimming-pool ok.

  • Evangelos Matsios

    Evangelos Matsios


    no free wifi and only in the lobby

  • Jorge Salt

    Jorge Salt


    In July 2006 I had visited and stayed in Hotel Porto Santo, Baracoa Cuba through a study program with the Smithsonian Institute of the American Indian to document the remaining Native American survivors on the Island nation. I noticed something was wrong the moment I came back from my trip. It was instantaneous. All I could hear was this horrible beeping noise deep inside my ears. I had panicked because I thought I’d gone deaf. I had cat scans and hearing tests for years. And, the results of the tests have found nothing. I have had surgery to have my adenoids and tonsils removed. But, the beeping is still there and has remained constant. Sometimes it gets quieter and sometimes it gets loud. I could never cancel it out completely, but I have learned to live with tinnitus. For me silence is golden. I fully came to realize what had happened to me that night in the hotel room in Cuba. I felt vibrations and loud audible sounds in the room and high-pitch chirping similar to crickets along with grinding noise. I clearly remember stepping outside the balcony to see where the sound was coming, but it was only coming from within the room. I woke up tired and fatigued. I never understood what had happened to me that night as I couldn’t relate it to any story until the Illnesses at U.S. Embassy in Havana Prompt Evacuation. The State Department warned Americans that they could face unusual risks in visiting Cuba. I want to tell the world how immoral, sick, depraved and wicked is this government. I never believed it until it happened to me. Be sure to share this with the people you love to let them know!

  • Massimo Piccotto

    Massimo Piccotto


    Nice place, quite far from the center. We spent one night in Dec 2015. The food is simple. Wifi works in the common areas. Amazing pool with wiew, good and cheap cocktails.

  • Gustavo Nielsen

    Gustavo Nielsen


    Nice hotel. Amazing view. Close to the airport. Nice pool. Far from downtown Baracoa. No WiFi.

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