Meson de La Plaza i Sancti Spíritus

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CubaMeson de La Plaza


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34, Calle Maximo Gomez, Sancti Spíritus, Sancti Spíritus, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 41 32854
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Latitude: 21.9258753, Longitude: -79.4433582

kommentar 5

  • Martine Dubé

    Martine Dubé


    Bon restaurant, bel accueil! Poisson frit et flan au caramel délicieux!😊

  • Gonçalo Valverde

    Gonçalo Valverde


    Good service and good food (for Cuban standards) whith very decents prices. They try to push the "special set menu" which is not worth the money, but if you order the dishes in separate it's a very affordable option. Actually a restaurant such as this in europe would be rather expensive, and here it's actually cheaper than the private option nearby

  • Arthur Goldman

    Arthur Goldman


    Nice location, good service, decent food

  • Noel Williams

    Noel Williams


    Noel S DC vuyy G

  • David Foulds

    David Foulds


    We were staying in the Hotel del Rio in the same square as the Casa de las Trovas (for music) which was unfortunately closed that night .This restaurant was next to Las Trovas It was large with a typical Spanish colonial feel and we tried the famous Cuban shredded beef with mashed potatoes ( unmashed !) However the service was good and the food delicious . It made a change from rice ,pork ,beans and chicken .

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