Palenque de los Cimarrones i Vinales

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CubaPalenque de los Cimarrones


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Vinales, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53
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Latitude: 22.6539159, Longitude: -83.7160898

kommentar 5

  • Juanma Muñoz

    Juanma Muñoz


    Nice views

  • Karen Bassett

    Karen Bassett


    Interesting history

  • Neil Bishop

    Neil Bishop


    A former haven for runaway slaves. A short walk through caves to a reenactment/recreation of a slave encampment, followed by a walk or horse and trap ride back to the car park in the beautiful Viñsles countryside.

  • Maarten Mommen

    Maarten Mommen


    Very bad food. It was not fresh and heated up with microwave (it was still cold on the inside). We were accompanied with 4 ill dirty street dogs and cats and the waiter did not do anything about it. Do not go there.

  • Jorge Alvarez

    Jorge Alvarez


    It is a nice place to get a feel for part of Cuban history. Nice place to relax and have a drink or bite to eat.

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