The Beatles i Varadero

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CubaThe Beatles



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59, Varadero, Varadero, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53
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Latitude: 23.1536388, Longitude: -81.2504453

kommentar 5

  • Alicia Balawyder

    Alicia Balawyder


    Best cover band I have seen by far. Super fun atmosphere!! Highly recommend if you want to have a good time.

  • Amanda Kiff

    Amanda Kiff


    Cute little spot, but highly overrated. The drinks were reasonably priced, but not the best tasting. Very limited seating inside. Was cool to check out if you're a Beatles fan, but I personally wouldn't return.

  • A Currie

    A Currie


    Great fun!! The Cubans were deprived from playing or listening to rock music since it was born until the last few years! And you can totally see how much fun they are having playing rock music live!!

  • Alison Taylor-Smith

    Alison Taylor-Smith


    Amazing live music venue. One if the best cover bands I've seen - Blue Carnation. Catch them if you can!

  • francis parent

    francis parent


    Belle endroit pour profiter de votre soirée devant un band de musique local de Cuba. L'alcool n'est pas trop cher et l'ambiance est accueillante. Je crois que c'est l'endroit en soirée ou il y a la plus grande concentration de touristes. À ne pas manquer à varadero il faut y aller. Nice place to enjoy your night in front of a local band of Cuba. The alcohol is not too expensive and the atmosphere is welcoming. I think this is the place in the city where there is the greatest concentration of tourists at night. Do not miss this place if you go to Varadero Bonito lugar para disfrutar de tu velada frente a una banda local de Cuba. El alcohol no es demasiado caro y el ambiente es acogedor. Creo que este es el lugar en la noche donde hay la mayor concentración de turistas. No te pierdas Varadero tienes que irte. Хорошее место, чтобы приятно провести вечер перед местной группой Кубы. Алкоголь не слишком дорогой, а атмосфера гостеприимная. Я думаю, что это место вечером, где наибольшая концентрация туристов. Не пропусти Варадеро, ты должен идти.

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