Tiki Bahia de Cochinos i Playa Larga

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CubaTiki Bahia de Cochinos



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Playa Caleton, Bahia de Cochinos, Playa Larga 43000, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 45 987285
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Latitude: 22.2838101, Longitude: -81.2097842

kommentar 5

  • Madame Allen

    Madame Allen


    Great spot, great view, great food! The only weired thing was the crab dish is made with the crunchies on the crab still on the crab. I am used to shellfish having the crunchy stuff removed so I was surprised. The taste was terrific though. Personally I just can't get pass the crunchies. Everything else was perfect!

  • Carey Parks

    Carey Parks


    Enjoyed everything about this restaurant while on a Caribbean Conservation Trust bird survey tour. Food service and view were outstanding, and the Pina coladas were rated best of the trip.

  • Guy Wing

    Guy Wing


    Deep fried red snapper was terrific! As was the fish soup which came as a complementary starter. The terrace looks out over a lagoon where you can see fishing boats coming and going. It was very idillyc.

  • M. C.

    M. C.


    Good sea food! Good service, but as all Cubans your wishes will only maybe fulfilled. Nice location!

  • D B

    D B


    Location ans food is good. Cocktails could be better. Staff should be more friendly

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