Cabaret Tropicana i La Habana

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CubaCabaret Tropicana


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72 A, La Habana, Marianao, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 7 2671717
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Latitude: 23.09458, Longitude: -82.4191428

kommentar 5

  • Hermes van Amstel

    Hermes van Amstel


    Club Tropicana is an old name but still going very strong. I took my 18 year daughter to the show and we thoroughly enjoyed it. The show was classical but awesome. Booking tickets online from home worked fine, this is a website hosted in Spain and we could print vouchers which were readily accepted at the venue.

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    Lindsey Welsh


    2 stars for the performance would have possibly been more stars but couldn’t see the show very well because of the angle and location of our seats. One older guy to serve our group of around 50 people maybe more. Didn’t get our rum and coke until half way through the show left with nothing to drink all that time. Girl at the door giving out cigars and flowers couldn’t have looked more miserable. Altogether a poor experience, not what I expected from such a famous please.

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    Oldest running cabaret show in Havana. The place was never closed down, they always had shows since opening. Wonderful show with great costumes, music and acts. There is also a restaurant attached to the location. Taxi service provided from there back into town, about a 20 min drive from Old Town Havana.

  • Delonda C

    Delonda C


    This was truly the highlight of my stay in Cuba. This is the original Cuban style cabaret at the one and only Tropicana. These are the classic shows that made Havana a hit back in the 40s and 50s. This venue was tremendous and full of gala. There were 200 performers; singers, dancers and musicians. Great choreography. We paid online and received a voucher. We were given a bucket of ice, a bottle of Rum, a cigar and/or carnation plus snacks. We had the option to have dinner included but ate prior as the show starts very late. I would do it again. Great Service. Fabulous Show!

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    Pankaj Dalal


    Visited the club on Sept. 2nd 2017 for the evening show. When we booked the tickets online, it said dinner included for the $85 seats. We booked 16 seats. When we got to the club we were told that we will not be served dinner. We got a small dish of peanuts and three bottles of rum. Everyone got a bottle of coke as well. Some of us wanted water instead of coke, we had to pay extra for that. A total waste of money and time.

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