Cafe and Cremeria Atenas i Matanzas

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CubaCafe and Cremeria Atenas


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Calle 83, Matanzas, Matanzas, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53
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Latitude: 23.04641, Longitude: -81.5744465

kommentar 5

  • Julia v. Selchow

    Julia v. Selchow


    Delicious & cheap food, cocktails were divine. Absolutely recommend.

  • Katherine Subiaut

    Katherine Subiaut


    Excellent for sharing with friends

  • Len Neil

    Len Neil


    Lively location at a major historic crossing. Inside is warm and friendly with very hip decor, a bar, tables and chairs. The front patio opens to the street - great for people watching and you can eat and drink, chairs and tables are a tad uncomfortable but you won't notice after a while. Beer, cocktails, and a very good menu. I enjoyed the generous personal pizza. The place is excellent!

  • Mike Whitla

    Mike Whitla


    Pretty good place to get decent Cuban food. Good prices.

  • Guy L

    Guy L


    Most pleasant place a state owned restaurant and bar but well kept. Beautiful view over teatro Sauto if you are near the door. Huge pleasant place for an afternoon snack. Recommended.

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