Chiquirrin i Matanzas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Matanzas, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 45 243877
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Latitude: 23.0492963, Longitude: -81.5717975

kommentar 5

  • Rafael Perez

    Rafael Perez


    Si sumamos lo acogedor del local, el trato profesional y la buena relación precio-calidad(comida deliciosa) podemos decir de seguro que este es el mejor restaurante de la ciudad

  • Katherine Subiaut

    Katherine Subiaut


    I liked it, but the place is almost empty and there are not many options for main courses. Nevertheless, the food was good.

  • Dariusz Jankowski

    Dariusz Jankowski


    Great restaurant in Matanzas. We entered there a bit tired after a walk in the town, and suddenly we got into completely different world. Clothed tables with glassware, attentive staff. You can see cooking live in a sterile clean kitchen. Food and drinks were very good (try shrimps coctail). Service was top notch. Prices were reasonable. Highly recommended. All of this is amazing, as the restaurant started just 2 years ago.

  • Dalal Dahrouj

    Dalal Dahrouj


    Delicious food, great staff who make you feel like part of the family

  • Dale Mattie

    Dale Mattie


    This place is A1 dinning, loved it . On the main strip , I felt like royalty here; absolutely amazing. Super food , I was a happy man leaving here.

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