Hotel Club Amigo Caracol i Playa Santa Lucia

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CubaHotel Club Amigo Caracol


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Playa Santa Lucia, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 32 365158
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Latitude: 21.5688475, Longitude: -77.0460121

kommentar 5

  • Rafik Ouanouki

    Rafik Ouanouki


    That hotel is dead. Only good for old people and even old find that hotel dead. No music allowed. They keep changing the name of the hotel to avoid dealing with reviews, food are not even sanitary. Don't wast your money.

  • Jennifer Garramone

    Jennifer Garramone


    I went to this resort in March 2019 for one week. It was previously called " Club Amigo Caracol. The staff there are excellent and VERY helpful. Upon our arrival, the manager Jennifer, went above and beyond to make sure that we were comfortable. She introduced us to the restaurant staff and manager. I have stomach issues and I needed to bring my own soups. The manager Esmerling made sure my soups, salad and medication were refregerated. He also made sure that they were warm and ready at lunch time and dinner time. He constantly reminded me to take my medication and he would return it to the refrigerator. Also, there was a waitress by the name of Barbara that helped translate for me and made sure the appropriate food was brought to my table. She always asked me what I needed and made sure that I was content. There was also another restaurant manager, I think his name was Artudo... he was also very assertive and on top of things. He was always checking up to make sure everything was good with our family. Overall, our stay at this resort was 5 out of 5! I would highly recommend this place to everyone.

  • Ingrid Eyrauch

    Ingrid Eyrauch


    Food not to bad if your not picky,beach not the best with the seaweed but they clean it a few times a day,happy people.

  • Janusz Roginski

    Janusz Roginski


    This is a very nice Cuban resort. The rooms are small but nicely equipped. The washrooms are very clean and pretty. Air Conditioning in the rooms. An outside pool with a bar adjacent to it. The beaches are very nice, water warm and clean. There is a gym and massages are offered as well. In the resort there is also a medical service.

  • Craig Walters

    Craig Walters


    Been here twice. Will definitely go back. You have to go to the bar when you want a beverage. But it's got a nice pool and beach and sun. Great Value and fun times. 1 hour bus ride from airport. Tell Victor the bar tender at poolbar I said hello! Enjoy

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