Hotel Club Amigo Mayanabo i Playa Santa Lucia

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CubaHotel Club Amigo Mayanabo


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Playa Santa Lucia, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 32 336184
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Latitude: 21.5702538, Longitude: -77.0486002

kommentar 5

  • Tyler Ouillette

    Tyler Ouillette


    Stayed here 4 times and always an amazing experience. Everyone is extremely nice and helpful. Food is pretty good. Definitely will return.

  • Donna Mathieu

    Donna Mathieu


    Our group was 8 ladies ranging all ages from 19 yr. Up ...we booked March 28...had beautiful weather all week. The resort was very clean, all staff was excellent with us was good... no complaints !!! We had a wonderful time!! Staff gave our 19 yr (Mar.30) a birthday party she will never forget...a special dinner at the beach restaurant with all the trimmings!!! Salsa Latina band for the resort ended Bri's evening with her on stage singing happy birthday and the entertainers dancing for her!! Thank you Raymond !!! The resort is very fortunate to have you as their entertainment director !! Jessy , Adrianne, Henrry and Erick our day and night entertainers a big thankyou you made our stay a blast !!! We we definitely be back next year !!!

  • Drew Mordecai

    Drew Mordecai


    Been here with my GF. Rooms stink, my GF had an allergy problems staying here. Conditioners have black mold in them. Food is disgusting. COCKROACHES are everywhere in the restaurant, and they live in chairs. Every time you check under the seat - there is a cockroach or two on the bottom of a chair. Cockroaches on plates. Also, the Mayanabo is the ONLY hotel that didn’t clean their beach from seaweed. The smell on the beach is something else. When I reported the problem with seaweed at the reception, they just said “yeah, we know. Sorry :)” with an uncomfortable smile. My advice is - pay extra few bucks and stay in any hotel other than this one. Our vacation was ruined.

  • Shania Dindyal

    Shania Dindyal


    I booked mayanabo for 1 week but only stayed one day took family of 6 adults and 4 children on a day pass which was their first time on a resort a bit disappointed the bartender would not serve my boyfriend a local Cuban a beer he ordered he was a paying guest I was not impressed overall the pool was clean and good size front reception were amazing the entertainment was lacking during the day

  • lee hage

    lee hage


    Food was not the good. The beach is a right off. The pool has big holes in the liner where you can cut your feet. The rooms were not good. Dirty walls and the shower head sprayed everywhere but on me. No toilet paper , it's like gold . Bread crisis.

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