Factoria Varadero 43 cerveceria i Varadero

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CubaFactoria Varadero 43 cerveceria



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Varadero, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53
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Latitude: 23.1493538, Longitude: -81.2626414

kommentar 5

  • Felipe Sebastián Andrés Campos Peña

    Felipe Sebastián Andrés Campos Peña


    Cervecería artesanal muy recomendada. La mejor que probamos en cuba. Esta frente a una playa. Cerveza de calidad a bajo precio.

  • Jonathan Herrera

    Jonathan Herrera


    Una visita obligada en Varadero. Producen cerveza artesanal de buena calidad. Tienen 3 tipos, la clara, dorada y oscura. Además los precios son asequible, vale la pena visitarlos y los precios de los platos y la comida en general no están nada mal. Ideal para variar cerveza Bucanero y la Cristal que venden en todos los sitios.

  • Tim Young

    Tim Young


    The ultimate Cuban craft micro brewery. I tried a few of their different beers and the were great. If you have friends with you at your resort you have to bring them here with you. You will need them to help you drink the 5L tower of ice cold delicious beer that is only 13.00 CUC. That's right 13.00 cuc. Their beer is so much better than Cystal or Bucanero. Every one was very friendly and happy. The seating area was very full. Over a nice place for a few brews.

  • Emma O'brien

    Emma O'brien


    We had a great couple of nights at this bar with Cuban friends, a little different from the usual bars! Great atmosphere! Great value for 5 litres 🍺🍺🍺

  • Viktorija Gjorgjievska

    Viktorija Gjorgjievska


    The waiter added a dollar to everything we ordered. I guess he thought that if we were tourists we were stupid. We were going to tip anyways and he didn't need to do that. Now I wouldn't want to go back there.

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