Casa Prado Paladar i Cienfuegos

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CubaCasa Prado Paladar



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Paseo El Prado, Cienfuegos, Cienfuegos, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 5 2623858
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Latitude: 22.1422269, Longitude: -80.4484948

kommentar 5

  • Idamia Ring

    Idamia Ring


    Good food and nice atmosphere, yet its a bit pricey and you could find same quality food much cheaper. But you will not find much live music in other places

  • Chun-wei YANG

    Chun-wei YANG


    It was nice to have dinner on the rooftop. The foo was ok, not special. I would recommend to have a drink here.

  • Diego Bruschi

    Diego Bruschi


    Lovely place with great cuban cuisine. Low prices

  • Alain Valladares

    Alain Valladares


    Excellent place to eat traditional cuban food and international as well!!! This place is a must when you visit Cienfuegos

  • Salome Japiashvili

    Salome Japiashvili


    if you are looking for affordable and tasty food in Cienfuegos, this place is highly recommended. Big portions and good prices won't leave you unsatisfied. Keep in mind though that menu is richer downstairs, on the roof there is a different kitchen with less choice but nice live music. Enjoy!

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