Palacio de Valle i Cienfuegos

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CubaPalacio de Valle


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Cienfuegos, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 43 551003
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Latitude: 22.1213767, Longitude: -80.45151

kommentar 5

  • Наталья Дорофеева

    Наталья Дорофеева


    To enter the restaurant and take photos cost 4 CUC, but this price includes a cocktail on the rooftop with outstanding view. The interior was made in fabulous Moorish Style which makes the place a piece of art. Must see during the visit of Cienfuegos.

  • Hiram Ruiz

    Hiram Ruiz


    Beautiful restored seaside palace with drinks and live music on rooftop terrace overlooking water.

  • Stephan Soilleux

    Stephan Soilleux


    Awesome place. beautiful decor and atmosphere, great food and service makes this place magical. A must see when in Cienfuegos.

  • Madame Allen

    Madame Allen


    One of my favourite places in Cuba. This is a National Treasure of architecture inside and out. Must see! I really enjoyed the live band on the roof. The view and the vibe is worth a few extra CUCs. Live a little!

  • Timbovilla 7

    Timbovilla 7


    Interesting building with ornate architecture inside & out. Rooftop bar with views across the ocean & serving delicious cocktails made it even better.

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