Restaurante Bahia i Cienfuegos

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CubaRestaurante Bahia



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Avenida 40, Cienfuegos, Cienfuegos, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 43 516971
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Latitude: 22.1389639, Longitude: -80.4484488

kommentar 5

  • Luis Alberto Rodriguez Valero

    Luis Alberto Rodriguez Valero


    Restaurante encantador. Calidad y precios aceptables , Los empleados muy amables y educados a mi criterio de lo mejorcito de la ciudad llevo tres años visitando este restaurante en mis vacaciones a cuba. Felicidades

  • Ricardo Mesa Foronda

    Ricardo Mesa Foronda


    Really good food but not too friendly with foreigns.

  • Lukasz Kurowski

    Lukasz Kurowski


    Definitely not five stars. The food was quite good, a little bit salty but still tasty. However, the service wasn't even close to ok. I had to ask twice for a still water (not include in "the best restaurant in town") and wait 15 min to get it. When we finished our meal we had to sit at the table 20 min with all of our empty plates (both from starters and mains) and were not attended to. I wasn't sure if we were expected to start cleaning them? At the and we received the bill without information if the service is included or not. We had to do the math and ask for clarification as it didn't add up. A small restaurant, a lot of staff, but still there was a lot of waiting for simple things like the bill or water. Oh and one of the fish in the tank we were seated next to was dead and being eaten by the rest of fish. When we mentioned it to the waiter, he reacted like it was normal.

  • New florida Upholstery

    New florida Upholstery


    If I could describe this place in one word it would have to be .. AMAZING !!! We visited the restaurant as a group of 4 and ordered a variety of dishes off the menu which included seafood Camarones Enchilados (Shrimp in Tomato Sauce) arroz con pollo a la chorrera (rice with chicken). There were no left overs whatsoever! This place was so delicious, we would recommend it to everyone who visits Cienfuegos!! We finished our awesome dinner with their delicious homemade flan! Do not hesitate to try this place, TRUST ME you will not be disappointed

  • Jose Miranda

    Jose Miranda


    Best restaurant in the area. Great service. Great food.

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