Rancho King i Guáimaro

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CubaRancho King


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Guáimaro, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 32 48115
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Latitude: 21.3898124, Longitude: -77.2927772

kommentar 5

  • Enelso Acosta

    Enelso Acosta


  • Claude Leroux

    Claude Leroux


    Intéressante incursion dans la vie quotidienne des Cubains

  • Mahalingam A

    Mahalingam A


  • John M

    John M


  • Walt Bankes

    Walt Bankes


    Went there on a tour bus (Road Scholar) in March 2015. It was previously owned by the King Ranch, Texas during the Batista days. We were treated to a small rodeo - fun! In preparation for our arrival there was a pig rotating on a spit that we subsequently ate at lunch - YUM! Then we toured the small village where the people who work at the ranch live. It included observations of a two room school that serves first through fourth grades. The first graders were learning cursive writing by copying materials into their workbooks - impressive. At the time we were there, there was a long drought. They were concerned about losing some of their animals. The visit was fun and very informative.

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