Ruta Bikes i La Habana

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CubaRuta Bikes



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6, La Habana, Plaza de la Revolución, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 5 2476633
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Latitude: 23.129927, Longitude: -82.405158

kommentar 5

  • Evan Nahmias

    Evan Nahmias


    Well maintained bikes are a great way to really explore Havana. These folks are nice.

  • en

    Margherita Giordano


    I loved discovering Havana with Rutabikes! Although I lived in Havana for 10 months, the sunset tour allowed me to discover new hidden spots of the city. My guide, Alejandro, is such a nice and talkative guy - he's knowledgeable about Cuban history, and he was stimulating my curiosity all the time. I would suggest to ride with Rutabikes on your first day in town, you will have an overview of the city and you will be able to see which neighbours attract more your attention. Plus, Ruabikes is located in a very nice area, in front of a wifi park, and their bikes are easy to ride.

  • gigi g

    gigi g


    Best tour in town. I've taken 4 tours in havana and this one is by far the best.

  • 한서영



    Friendly tour that you can take a glance remarkable places in Havana at once. It takes 4~5 hours and 30 cuc per person. They don't force you to buy anything during the tour. You can find similar but cheaper bike trip (including cemetery entrance which Ruta didn't offer) on airbnb website, though.

  • Mabel Elzinga

    Mabel Elzinga


    A must do when you are in Havana, even when you are on an organised trip. Don't let people scare you that's it's dangerous. It's not at all! The streets are wide and the traffic is very calm. Thanks again Ruta Bikes, we really enjoyed the Sunset City Tour (12 people, October 2017, all from Holland).

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