Cayo Bariay Inn B & B i Rafael Freyre

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CubaCayo Bariay Inn B & B



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Rafael Freyre, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 5 3388993
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Latitude: 21.0680659, Longitude: -76.0308228

kommentar 5

  • Jesse Vetterl

    Jesse Vetterl


    My wife and I and our 2 kids (8, 6) stayed at Cayo Bariay Hostel for 5 nights. Jose is a doctor in Guyana and does all the Airbnb communication. His wife's parents, Aracelio and Clara are the hosts at the property. They made sure we had everything we needed and were excellent to deal with Aracelio spoke some English but it was handy to have (Hidden by Airbnb) Translate available. We were welcomed into the home and showed around. The fridge is well stocked with beer, juice, and rum. Drinks and food were extra but very reasonably priced. Aracelio keeps track of everything and adds it up at the end of the stay. We ate breakfast and dinner there and for the 5 nights for the 4 of us came to around $260 CUC. We did have visitors a couple of the nights and they drank our beer and ate supper with us so I think we could have done it for closer to $200 CUC. But it was worth it. The menu choices were great and Luis was a great chief and made sure we never went hungry. Clara made us a fantastic flan our last night. So good! Each day we walked (and once took a horse drawn carriage -- coche) to the national park nearby (Parque Monumento Nacional Bariay). The beach there is great and mostly private. The restaurant above the beach (Reasturant Colombus) was good. Cold beer and decent food. We felt very safe the entire time and would recommend this place to anyone wishing to see a bit more "real Cuba". It is a very nice change from the resorts.

  • Christopher Van Wieren

    Christopher Van Wieren


    Beautiful little house for rent, used it for a wedding reception. They made a fantastic meal for our group of 25+

  • Alexis O. Rodriguez Caceres

    Alexis O. Rodriguez Caceres


    Nice, friendly 100% local place. Good food! Will be back!

  • Daylen Gonzalez

    Daylen Gonzalez


    This is a wonderful place to share especial vacation un Cuba . you can eat fresh seafood, fish And very nice people who more than help you they pamper their costumers.

  • Dr.J. Ernesto Portelles

    Dr.J. Ernesto Portelles


    Excelente lugar para compartir con la familia y amigos en un ambiente seguro y disfrutar deliciosa comida cubana. se encuentra muy a solo 1.8 km de la playa Cayo Bariay situada en el cayo de igual nombre, lugar por donde llegara a Cuba por primera vez Cristobal Colon el 28 de Octubre de 1492. El lugar se ha convertido en el Parque nacional Cayo Bariay donde turistas y lugareños pueden disfrutar de la naturaleza del lugar asi como del ambiente historico que lo rodea.

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