Iberostar Holguín i Holguín

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CubaIberostar Holguín


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Estero - Rafael Freyre, Holguín 80100, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 24 436101
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Latitude: 21.0968067, Longitude: -75.941412

kommentar 2

  • Vusala Babayeva

    Vusala Babayeva


    The hotel is very clean, 2 large pools, plus playground and smaller pool for kids. Not a too many selection of food but you would find enough to make it. You will be offered none inclusive wines, ask for the price before ordering, as they would try to offer the most expensive ones, not to have unpleasant surprises. We most liked Japanese restaurant. Julie was great! Shaws were everyday! Kids were in love with them! If you are traveling with kids, take your colouring books and crayons, as they don't have them. There is no free wifi in hotel, you have to purchase cards, each of an hour( actual use time less, around 35-40 mins) for the price of 1 CUC, in case of need to make phone calls you can use sunwing app. Overall it was good.

  • Drazen Bizic

    Drazen Bizic


    Rooms are new and modern, plenty of food variety, 2 beach options (one is shallow beach great for kids and another is 2 minute golf kart ride away, there is also a nice kids pool and play area, grounds are still being worked on, staff are friendly and accommodating. Overall, it was a great place for family vacation with a toddler.

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