Hotel Ordoño i Gibara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CubaHotel Ordoño


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J. Peralta, 82100, Gibara, Gibara, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 24 844448
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Latitude: 21.1094204, Longitude: -76.1289602

kommentar 5

  • Henry Menchero

    Henry Menchero


    Too expensive for what is in offer.

  • Sarah T

    Sarah T


    Gorgeous building, beautiful architecture, great views and delicious food.

  • jamie roy

    jamie roy


    Stayed one night as part of an excursion with Cubatour. "Gebria overnight" Great service, you get a chilled towel and non-alcoholic cocktail on arrival. The 3rd floor rooms don't have a view as the windows are too high up, they make up for this by the stunning views on their rooftop with seating area. The rooms are very nice and the shower is amazing. Dinner is good, look out for the pumpkin soup, it's really nice.

  • Matt Meyer

    Matt Meyer


    Wonderful place to stay in a wonderful town - with spacious, clean and comfy rooms, fine food and drinks, and an extra-helpful bilingual staff. Despite slightly frustrating (slow) wifi, I'd return again and again.

  • Alec S

    Alec S


    Definitely loved it there. Very welcoming and friendly stuff. Bar is great and so is the food rooms are big enough for 2 and clean. Great location to walk around.

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