Hotel Playa Pesquero i Holguín

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CubaHotel Playa Pesquero


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22, Entrada a Pesquero, Rafael Freyre, Holguín, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 24 30530
internet side:
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Latitude: 21.0969927, Longitude: -75.930014

kommentar 5

  • Philip Ashling

    Philip Ashling


    Quiet this year but the place and the people lovely. Pity Trump Monster is making life harder for the ordinary people.

  • Vince Poil

    Vince Poil


    Lovely breeches and very friendly staff. Very competent medical centre should the need arise. The rooms are clean and well maintained by a little dated. The food is absolutely terrible. A 5* in Cuba a 3*everywhere else. But the beaches!!!

  • Des Foot

    Des Foot


    A large hotel spread over a large area. Not good if you don't like walking. Good service, food good and drinks of which a lot are international. If Thomas cook goes bust then I can't think who may take over this area in Cuba

  • Claudette Legault

    Claudette Legault


    The place is always cleaned. The Cubans are awesome always smiling and happy. Make you feel welcome like every body is very special. Silent at night not a sound you always have a good night sleep.

  • Camille Cloutier

    Camille Cloutier


    I loved this place! The staff is very friendly and they go beyond your expectations to make your stay memorable. The Premium side is also worth every penny.

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