Melia Las Americas i Varadero

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CubaMelia Las Americas



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Varadero, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 45 667600
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Latitude: 23.1727949, Longitude: -81.2135791

kommentar 5

  • Manu Allegri

    Manu Allegri


    We had the above average service from everyone, they were so friendly.

  • Chloe Dunn

    Chloe Dunn


    Especially, I would like to mention one person who made our stay even more enjoyable, Dunia. She cleaned our room daily and made sure it was clean and tidy. Thank you all.

  • Cheryl Grundy

    Cheryl Grundy


    Beautiful resort, great food, friendly staff. The beach was perfect! The golf course is everything you could want! Our first time but hopefully not our last. My only complaint was not enough time...go for more than seven days!!!

  • Nada Madhoun

    Nada Madhoun


    This is the first time I've been to Cuba and the fifth for my husband, and to say that it was an amazing experience is an understatement. From the entertainment team, to the food, and the staff (especially Julia) it was beyond exceptional. We had such a wonderful time here that we would come back again and probably for longer. It is definitely worth every star and would recommend it to anyone who wants to get away.

  • Roman Sevela

    Roman Sevela


    Outside its beautiful. Tropical gardens with sea color is immaculate. Inside, especially the rooms are outdated and tired. Looks like two star hotel. Unfortunately. Most of the staff helpful though.

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