Muthu Playa Varadero i Varadero

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CubaMuthu Playa Varadero


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Varadero, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 45 668566
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Latitude: 23.1857261, Longitude: -81.1812954

kommentar 5

  • Abhishek tiwari

    Abhishek tiwari


    Went here with sunwing and the experience was fantastic with very polite staff and a lot of activities. My advice would be to not miss the sunset as it really beautiful though most people spend that time inside dining and drinking!

  • Karen Bass

    Karen Bass


    Great small property! Everything is only a 5 minute walk. Beach Bbq is great. It's Cuba, you may or may not have hot water. Our rooms were clean and the staff was amazing! Magic show and Circus show are great.

  • Jéssica Lucas

    Jéssica Lucas


    You should not expect much from a 4 stars hotel in Cuba. The food is okay, but if you are staying for a 7 days vacation, you will for sure get tired of it, because it is really repetitive. The night club is always empty, the beer is really light, the staff is polite but the hotel amenities are not good. I went there with a friend, our air conditioner did not work at all. The beach is incredible. If you are looking for an affordable vacation, Cuba is a right choice, but I would consider looking for a 5 stars hotel.

  • Popescu Mihaela

    Popescu Mihaela


    Very lovely resort. The staff is extremely nice, there are always some sort of activity to do. I would recommend it.

  • Joney Penner

    Joney Penner


    First time in Cuba and it was amazing the food was great. The room was clean and the whole resort looked taken care of. All the severs and bartenders were so very friendly, even got to meet the owner. Such an awesome place. Definitely recommend this place.

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